Among nonpathogen taxa, aureobasidium pullulans, the species complex of cladosporium cladosporioides and devriesia spp. Evaluation of the incidence and severity of olive leaf. Lesions can be seen on the upper surface of leaves. Fusicladium oleagineum, the fungal causal agent of olive. Overall, tetraconazole reduced the disease and, as a systemic action, may be associated with dodine or copper to control spilocaea oleagina particularly when the disease is well developed. Oct 10, 2017 we have developed a visionbased program to detect symptoms of olive quick decline syndrome oqds on leaves of olea europaea l. Cycloconium oleagina causes the olive leaf spot ols or the pea cock eye disease on olives where ever the trees are grown gonzalezlamothe et al. Survey of spilocaea oleagina, causal agent of olive leaf spot, in north of iran article pdf available march 2011 with 486 reads how we measure reads. The role of phenolic metabolism in the defense of the. Olive leaf spot ols is found in many parts of the world and cause readuced growth and yield in olive trees.
Relative susceptibility of new olive cultivars to spilocaea oleagina, colletotrichum acutatum, and pseudocercospora cladosporioides. For the resistant variety, these symptoms are composed of small necrotic lesions, whereas for the susceptible variety, they appear as extended necrotic spots. In this study, investigations were carried out to measure the incidence % infected leaves and severity number of lesionsleaf of ols in olive growing regions in palestine, including the regions of hebron, bethlehem, tulkarm, salfit, jenin, nablus, ramallah and qalqilyah. Previous work predicted disease from leaf images with deep learning but required a vast amount of data which was obtained via crowd sourcing such as the plantvillage. Phylogeny of the fungus spilocaea oleagina, the causal agent of. Pdf survey of spilocaea oleagina, causal agent of olive. Lesion expansion was affected p spilocaea oleagina or showing disorders caused by. Phylogenyofthefungus spilocaea oleagina,thecausalagentof.
Each was applied on 23 may before flowering, on 23 may and 5 july, or on 23 may and 23 september. Osser vazioni anatomiche su foglie di olivo sane ed. In addition, in 2002, a severe pruning was made in january, which probably caused an imbalance between vegetative and. Symptoms are mainly confined to leaves and appear as dark brown, circular, zonate spots surrounded by yellow haloes peacocks eye. Resistance of olive tree to spilocaea oleagina is mediated by the synthesis of phenolic compounds article pdf available in international journal of agriculture and biology january 2010 with. Anatomical observations on sound leaves and by spilocaea oleagina cast. The chemicals applied to olive trees were zineb with or without cu qxychloride, tetrachloroethylthiotetrahydrophthalimide. Pdf resistance of olive tree to spilocaea oleagina is mediated. Olive scab or leaf spot, caused by the fungus spilocaea oleagina, is widespread in the mediterranean region. The pdf file you selected should load here if your web browser has a pdf reader plugin installed for example, a recent version of adobe acrobat reader if you would like more information about how to print, save, and work with pdfs, highwire press provides a helpful frequently asked questions about pdfs alternatively, you can download the pdf file directly to your computer, from where it. Pre harvest interval 14 days for hop, potato and tomato outdoor and in the greenhouse, 28 days for grapevine, for orchards is ensured with the time of use.
Genetic variation in spilocaea oleagina populations from new. All structured data from the file and property namespaces is available under the creative commons cc0 license. Evaluation of the incidence and severity of olive leaf spot. Silicon reduces the incidence of venturia oleaginea.
Arbequina i18 is more tolerant than the other two cultivars to frost, while koroneiki i38 is the most sensitive. The research results indicate that the majority of olive growers are not implemented to date protection against pathogens of peacock olive leaf spot. Resistance of olive tree to spilocaea oleagina is mediated by the. In this study, investigations were carried out to measure the incidence % infected leaves and severity number of lesionsleaf of ols in olive growing regions in palestine, including the regions of hebron, bethlehem, tulkarm, salfit, jenin, nablus, ramallah and qalqiyah. The effect of local fungicides on conidial germination of spilocaea oleagina in palestine. Specific primers 18sf forward and 18sr reverse were used to confirm the identity of s. Formuliran je u obliku vodotopivih granula, proizvedenih novom fluid bed tehnologijom, koja osigurava bolju topivost u vodi, vecu iskoristivost, te bolju pokrovnost i ucinkovitost.
Sporulation on olive leaf spot lesions followed similar trends over the same temperatures and moisture conditions, with maximum sporulation at 15c and 100% rh but none at 25c and 70% rh. Low yields were recorded in both years, particularly in 2003, likely because a severe shoot defoliation occurred in all treatments at the end of the spring, caused by an infection of spilocaea oleagina, the olive leaf spot. The journals mission is the promotion of plant health for mediterranean crops, climate and regions, safe food production, and the transfer of new knowledge on plant diseases and their sustainable management. This plant disease commonly affects the leaves of olive trees worldwide. Effectsoftemperatureinoculumconcentrationleafageandcontinuousandinterruptedwetnessoninfectionofoliveplantsbyspilocaeaoleagina. The disease affects trees throughout the growing season and can cause significant losses in yield. Spilocaea oleagina induces a foliar necrosis whose speed of onset and expansion distinguishes clearly the two studied varieties according to their behaviour to the leafspot disease. Mediterranean clonal selections evaluated for modern hedgerow. Characterisation of the main palestinian olea europaea l. Trends in breeding new olive varieties in israel for quality. A dna marker specific for resistance to spilocaea oleagina. Genetic variation in spilocaea oleagina populations from. Global warming or climate tropicalization is the cause of increasing temperature and humidity in the temperate areas of europe and north america. Centennial olive trees as a reservoir of genetic diversity.
The digital repository of palestine technical university. If the sexual stage exists and is discovered, it will belong to the genus venturia. In order to get insight, an in vitro culture of the fungus has been established and its identity confirmed by amplified fragment length polymorphism analysis. Pdf epidemiology of leaf spot of olive tree caused by. Files are available under licenses specified on their description page. Spilocaea oleaginea is a deuteromycete fungal plant pathogen, the cause of the disease olive peacock spot, also known as olive leaf spot and birds eye spot. The disease is controlled by application of coppercontaining fungicides prior to winter rains. Phylogeny of the fungus spilocaea oleagina, the causal. Relative susceptibility of new olive cultivars to spilocaea oleagina. A preflowering treatment was only satisfactory in the case of bordeaux. Palestine, spilocaea oleagina, peacock spot, disease severity, olea europaea.
Spilocaea oleagina downy mildew pseudoperonospora humuli less copper, more efficiency. Feb 10, 2014 palestine technical university research journal. Cookies are small text files that contain a string of characters and uniquely identifies a browser. Pdf olive scab caused by the mitosporic fungus spilocaea oleagina is the most important foliar disease of olive. V, covering fundamental and applied aspects of plant pathology. Pdf resistance of olive tree to spilocaea oleagina is. Olive leaf spot ols disease or peacock disease is caused by the fungus spilocaea oleagina, it is the most destructive disease on olive trees in most regions of palestine. Trends in breeding new olive varieties in israel for. Timing of fungicide applications and their high costs and possible effects on human health and the environment are critical for an effective control.
The author has studied the anatomical characters comparatively between two cv. Olive cultivar and maturation process on the oviposition preference of bactrocera oleae rossi diptera. An effective application for detecting olive quick. The tree is distinctly important in the economic and social life of the people. Cultivated crops in palestine varies according to different geomorphology and. Guideline for the biological evaluation of fungicides spilocaea oleagina olive leaf spot 1. Olive leaf spot caused by the fungus, spilocaea oleagina, is the most important leaf disease of olives in many olivegrowing regions worldwide with yield losses of up to 20%.
Biologyandepidemiologyof venturia speciesaffectingfruit. This disease is widespread in many olivegrowing regions of the world trapero casas et al. Dna samples were taken from resistance r or susceptible s tees. The mycelium typically develops on the leaf tissue. Briefly, the plant material was digested in nitric acid 33% under high pressure in a microwave. Leccino not receptive anatomical differences of the leaf as a whole and. Viruega jr, trapero a 1999 epidemiology of leaf spot of olive tree caused by spilocaea oleagina in southern spain. Ishs iii international symposium on olive growing epidemiology of leaf spot of olive tree caused by spilocaea oleagina in southern spain.
The effects of temperature, relative humidity rh, leaf wetness and leaf age on conidium germination were investigated for spilocaea oleagina, the causal organism of olive leaf spot. The effect of local fungicides on conidial germination of. In both experiments, 1 week before the inoculation with v. Olive cultivar and maturation process on the oviposition. Molecular analysis of the interaction between olea europaea and the biotrophic fungus spilocaea oleagina. Global warming and its effect on dermatology and plants. Effectsoftemperatureinoculumconcentrationleafageandcontinuousandinterruptedwetnessoninfectionofoliveplantsby spilocaea oleagina. Full length article resistance of olive tree to spilocaea. Olive leaves with obvious ols symptoms were cut into 5 2 cm segments, placed in a tube containing 5 20ml sterile distilled water and shaken vigorously. Pdf spilocaea oleagina in olive groves of southern spain. This habit has been associated with a defence reaction of the host involving mobilization and breakdown of the phenolic glucoside oleuropin and inhibition of pectolytic enzymes produced by the pathogen. Pdf evaluation of the incidence and severity of olive. Of the total number of sampled locations, only twelve of them had percentage of infection lower than 10% which is the threshold tolerance spilocaea oleagina castagne hughes fungus infection. Download csv file this work is licensed under a creative commons attributionnoncommercialsharealike 3.
Use the link below to share a fulltext version of this article with your friends and colleagues. Losses arise mostly from defoliation of severely infected trees, with consequently reduced yield. Conidia used in this evaluation were obtained from naturally infected olive leaves in. Taxonomyofthegenusventuria the genus venturia belongs to the phylum ascomycota, class dothideomycetes schoch et al. Pdf relative susceptibility of new olive cultivars to. It helps windows select the right program to open the file. Article full text enhanced pdf format, 303501 bytes. Article full text enhanced pdf format, 180766 bytes article sharing. To understand the resistance of the olive tree to the leafspot disease caused by spilocaea oleagina, the constitutive and postinfectional synthesis phenolic. An assessment of peacock olive leaf spot spilocaea oleagina. Application of leaf extracts of ambrosia artemisiifolia to control. Olive leaf spot ols caused by the fungus spilocaea oleagina cast. Climatic factors influence the emergence and reemergence of infectious diseases by shifting the geographic range of the insect vector and lengthening the reproductive cycles of insects. Pdf survey of spilocaea oleagina, causal agent of olive leaf spot.
Silicon reduces the incidence of venturia oleaginea castagne. The journal of plant pathology jpp is the international journal of the italian phytopathological society s. Cycloconium oleagineum is the causal agent of olive olea europaea scab. University of california, division of agriculture and natural. Neoram wg je kontaktni, preventivni fungicid na osnovi 37,5% bakrenog oksiklorida. Annual and cumulative yields of irta olive clones planted in 1998 tarragona, catalonia.
Apr 18, 2019 specific primers 18sf forward and 18sr reverse were used to confirm the identity of s. Effects of temperature, inoculum concentration, leaf age, and. Pdf olive leaf spot or peacock spot, caused by the fungal pathogen spilocaea oleagina, can cause reduced growth and yield in olive trees olea. Epidemiology of leaf spot of olive tree caused by spilocaea oleagina in southern spain article pdf available in acta horticulturae 474474. Resistance of olivetree to spilocaea oleagina is mediated by the synthesis of phenolic compounds. All structured data from the file and property namespaces is available under the creative commons. Xylella fastidiosanegative samples were also assayed by qpcr for verticillium dahliae bilodeau et al. Phytopathologia mediterranea is an international journal edited by the mediterranean phytopathological union. Studies on controlling spilocaea oleagina cycloconium. Spilocaea oleagina is a deuteromycete because it has no known sexual stage. The fungus spilocaea oleagina causes peacock leaf spot in olive. Box pcr using the box repair primer was used to discriminate between isolates. The pdf file you selected should load here if your web browser has a pdf reader plugin installed for example, a recent version of adobe acrobat reader if you would like more information about how to print, save, and work with pdfs, highwire press provides a helpful frequently asked questions about pdfs. A file extension is the characters after the last dot in a file name.
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